Sunday, February 14, 2010

40 Days 40 Recipes

I was raised half in the Catholic church and half in the Methodist church. I went one Sunday to Sunday school and the other to Catechism classes, I had my first communion and then chose to be confirmed in the Methodist church. So while most of my fellow Methodist friends practice giving up something for Lent, I am not sure it is as much a part of tthe Methodist tradition as it is for the Catholic church. However, my Catholic roots still hold close and I have every year since I can remember given up something that I really love for the 40 days preceding Easter. I agree with the principle and what it stands for. Lent usually falls right around Girl Scout Cookie time here in Texas, so I usually give up chocolate, sweets or something along those lines. This year I have chosen to do things a little different , I have chosen to give up Eating Out! COMPLETELY!!!! Now for those of you who know me know that this will be a very difficult task. I am consistently going from school to rehearsal, have a husband who works nights and usually eat out between 2-5 times a week! However, I have made my choice and beginning this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, I will be cooking and preparing every meal that my husband and I eat. Although I know this is very "Julie & Julia" I have decided to blog about it simply to "keep ritual" , keep myself on track, and hopefully get some feedback. So here are the rules I have set forward for myself:

1. Try a new Dinner Recipe Everyday
2. Use only Fresh ingrediants, No jar Spaghetti Sauce, No Pasta Roni, No Pre Mixed Marinades NADA Everything Made Fresh
******Exceptions: Bread, Dried Pasta, Yogurt, Salsa, Hot Dogs********
3. Use one NEW Ingrediant per week (yes for those who know me this one will be tough to follow since I am such a picky eater)

Ok so if you have a great recipe you would love to share that would be GREAT also I look forward to your feedback! I think this about sums it up! Happy Cooking right? YIKES Here goes nothing!!!

******Disclaimer Due to SFA Choir Tour Feb 21-24, I will have to eat out these days since I will not have a kitchen so I will extend 4 days( and hopefully longer) after Easter!********


  1. Great idea! I was watching old episodes of Ten Dollar Dinners (the winner from the last Food Network star contest) and she inspired me to do some easy quick things to change up our menus some. Check her out!

  2. Good Luck. Smoothies in the morning are great. I usually blend 2 or 3 different types of fresh fruit with 8oz. of plain/vanilla yogurt. I cut up the fruit 2-4 days in advance and throw it in the freezer. Makes for a thicker smoothie, and I never have to worry about the fruit ruining.

  3. So I guess this means you won't be coming up to go out to eat to celebrate Nicholas' birthday and gramma/papa anniversary, uh? :)

  4. Thanks Joe and Kristi for the ideas! I am excited to get cooking!!!

  5. You go girl, very neat idea! I have become a huge fan of crock-pot cooking, the 5-ingredient crockpot recipes are perfect for the busy schedules! Brad gets home around 7pm after work and it's hot, fresh, and ready to eat. I get home around 10pm after class and it's still hot, fresh, and ready to eat! You should try those out too! I suggest: "5-Ingredient Slow Cooker Recipes (Better Homes & Gardens Cooking)" Good luck with everything!
